150+ Functions

List of All Available Super Productive Functions

Functions are grouped under following menu categories.

Some functions listed below are repeats but are using slightly different wording.

  1. Beautify HTML by flattening indents.
  2. Beautify HTML by Tidy tool, which may fix HTML source
    This .NET implementation using Tidy.NET.  Note, tidy will clean and may alter the original HTML copied code. Generally, all unmatched tags will be removed! Use with 1 above first.
  3. Add line numbers
  4. Append a filename timestamp. eg. C:\filename.txt⇒C:\filename-ddMMMyy-hhmmss.txt
  5. Another time saver, unique to this tool.
  6. Backslash escape characters for JS/C#/JSON string
  7. Beautify JSON string
  8. Beautify SQL string
  9. Check e-mail exists
  10. Another time saver, unique to this tool.
  11. Coalesce n columns to lines
  12. Contains text ■
  13. Returns all lines that contains this text.
  14. Convert JSON to readable YAML
  15. Convert To Title Case
  16. Convert a YAML document to JSON
  17. Convert to Smart Title Case
    Follows the NY Times title case convention - https://capitalizemytitle.com/style/NYTimes/
  18. Convert to UPPER CASE
  19. Convert to blog post dashed/hyphenated URL. eg. abc-123-xyz .html
  20. Convert to dashed URL, for blog posts. eg. is-for-seo.html
  21. Duplicate of above
  22. Convert to lower case
  23. Convert to sentence case.
  24. Copy text sentence or multi-line pairs && convert into JSON array {\" \":\" \"}
  25. Copy text sentence or multi-line pairs and convert to double quoted array \" \",\" \"
  26. Copy text sentence or multi-line pairs and convert to single quoted array ' ',' ' 
  27. Current Clip word statistics
  28. Decode Base64 string, accepts multiple lines
  29. Dedup blank lines - remove duplicate blank lines
  30. Dedup lines - remove all duplicate lines
  31. Dedup report - reports all duplicate lines
  32. Diff lines - get different between lines, using current && prev clip
  33. Does not contain text ■
  34. Returns all lines that contains this text.
  35. Encode Base64 string, eg. S2FpdGFpbg==
  36. Escape characters for Excel Formula
    Escapes Excel comment with single quote, double quotes at beginning of string and double quotes to chr(34), which is easier to read.
  37. Escape regular expression
  38. Explain IL DASM opcodes, eg. nop⇒no operation
  39. Explain URL domain suffix, ie .ca=Canada
  40. Explain email domain suffix (also decodes mailto: URL), info@triglav.si .si=Slovenia
  41. Extract all numbers && add them
  42. Extract date/time zone abbreviation & get age & ordinal date - April 22, 2023

    "Mon 24-Apr-23 9:12pm EST" extracts to 

    "24 Apr 2023 09:12:00 PM EST [Eastern Standard Time <UTC-05:00>] DST extracted is 24 Apr 2023 09:12:00 PM [Eastern Standard Time] local time, and is 0:01:11 away - ordinal date 23114" 

    Parses these standard formats with timezone info and many more...
    Date Time FormatDFT Date Time Now
    RFC 2822Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:25:39 +0000
    RFC 850Wednesday, 19-Apr-23 16:25:39 UTC
    RFC 1036Wed, 19 Apr 23 16:25:39 +0000
    RFC 1123Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:25:39 +0000
    RFC 822Wed, 19 Apr 23 16:25:39 +0000
    RFC 33392023-04-19T16:25:39+00:00
    COOKIEWednesday, 19-Apr-2023 16:25:39 UTC
    RSSWed, 19 Apr 2023 16:25:39 +0000
    UNIX STAT COMMAND TIMESTAMP2023-04-19 16:25:39.658210121 +0000
    YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS2023-19-04 16:25:39
    YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS am/pm2023-19-04 04:25:39 PM
    DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS19-04-2023 16:25:39
    MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS04-19-2023 16:25:39

  43. Extract text between single or double quotes. eg. \'a\', \"a\'b\'\"⇒a, a\'b\'
  44. Extract text between two input strings ■ 
  45. Format into aliased e-mail address 'free text me@asterix.com'⇒free text <me@asterix.com>
  46. Format thousands grouping to a number
  47. Generate <A HREF= tag with title for a HTML page, using a valid URL▼
  48. Generate password default length "+year+". Or pre-copy length, #symbols, #digits eg. 10,1,3
  49. Generate random GUID 
  50. ie e4b7044f-6314-47bb-bfda-288c9bdddfce
  51. Get IPv4/v6 Subnet from IP/CIDR address. eg.
  52. Get base URL (to 1st /)
  53. Get clean URL
  54. same as below
  55. Get clean URL (to last /)
  56. Get concise System Info, the 1 liner, pre-copy optional drive letter && colon
  57. Get e-mail addresses from copied selected text in HTML page
  58. Get local IPv4 address
  59. Get local IPv6 address
  60. Get public IPv4 address▼
  61. Get short DOS 8.3 path from full valid long path eg. c:\Deee-Lite-WIL.mp3⇒c:\DEEE-L~1.MP3
  62. Get text between single or double quotes. eg. \'a\', \"a\'b\'\"⇒a, a\'b\'
  63. Grab HTML code behind selected text in a browser
  64. HTML5 Named Entity Decode plus <br> to CRLF
  65. HTML5 Named Entity Encode plus CRLF to <br>
  66. HTML Table - converted to plain text
  67. HTML Table Column - Choose column number to extract ■
  68. HTML Table Column - Choose column range [1,2-7,9] to extract ■
  69. HTML Table Pivot - transform columns to rows
  70. HTML Table Pivot - transform columns to rows converted to plain text
  71. HTML Table Row - Choose row number to extract ■
  72. HTML Table Row - Choose row range [1,2-5,7] to extract ■
  73. Hexadecimal to integer, from 1st found hex in string
  74. Hexadecimals (multi-format) to string, control chars are HTML Entity encoded
  75. Hexadecimals (multi-format) to string, literal
  76. Hexadecimals array to ASCII string, takes [30 0A 0x01,&&#x02-\\x0003|\\u0004 ...]
  77. Hexadecimals array to UTF8 string, takes [30 0A 0x01,&&#x02-\\x0003|\\u0004 ...]
  78. Integer to hexadecimal, from 1st found int in string
  79. Invert Unix \\⇔/ DOS paths
  80. Join lines, enter delimiter ■
  81. Join lines, no delimiter
  82. Join lines, space delimiter
  83. Obfuscate a password, use <SHIFT><CTRL><C>
  84. Paste ANSI text (ISO-8859-1, Western languages), moins les caractères de contrôle && non imprimable
  85. Paste Unicode universal text (all languages), replacing all non-printable characters with ♦
  86. Paste Unicode universal text (all languages), striping all non-printable characters (most general)
  87. Paste plain ASCII text with normalized substitutions. eg. Æ ⇒ AE, ß⇒ss, è⇒e
  88. Paste plain ASCII text, striping bad control characters && formatting (most restrictive)
  89. Paste plain text (ASCII), extended range (Latin-1 Supplement) translated. eg. Ã⇒A(tilde)
  90. Paste timestamped comment (settings in Options)
  91. Paste universal plain trim text, less all non-printable chars
  92. Pick a range [-3,5-7,9-] of lines ■
  93. This can mimic UNIX tail and head commands, but is even more expressive because repeats are allowed. So you can have [1,1,1,1,1,2-5,10+] which repeats line 1, 5 times!
  94. Pick every nth line ■
  95. Pre/post append entered text, removes lead spaces ■
  96. Pre/post remove entered text, removes lead spaces ■
  97. Pre/post smart append entered text, preserves indents. ■   Tip! Comment out lines for any language.
  98. Pre/post smart remove entered text, preserves indents. ■   Tip! Uncomment out lines for any language.
    This will try to maintain orginal indentations!
  99. Redistribute into n columns ■
  100. Remove all Unicode control characters
  101. Remove all Unicode control characters but Tab, LF and CR
  102. Remove all Unicode punctuations
  103. Remove all Unicode whitespaces
  104. Remove all duplicate spaces
  105. Remove blank lines - remove all blank lines
  106. Remove line numbers
  107. Remove thousands grouping, from number
  108. Repeat text as columns
  109. Repeat text as lines
  110. Replace all Unicode control characters with a space
  111. Replace all Unicode punctuations with a space
  112. Rollup from every nth line ■
  113. Search and replace, escaped control characters allowed ■
  114. Side by side, use current (1st col.) && prev clip (2nd col.)
  115. Sort lines by Ascending Case order [(space),!,"",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,-,.,/...0-9a-zA-Z]
  116. Sort lines by Ascending Line Length Case order [a,aa,AA,123...]
  117. Sort lines by Ascending order [(space),!,"",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,-,.,/...0-9aA-zZ]
  118. Sort lines by Descending Case order [9-0Z-Aa-z...punctuations]
  119. Sort lines by Descending Line Length Case order [...123,AA,aa,a]
  120. Sort lines by Descending order [9-0zZ-aA...punctuations]
  121. Split lines, enter string (delimiter kept) ■   eg. sentences to newlines w/ period delim
  122. Split lines, enter string (delimiter removed) ■
  123. Split lines, into n columns ■
  124. Split lines, on Unicode capital letters
  125. Split lines, on Unicode whitespace (delimiter removed)
  126. String to ASCII hexadecimal array [30 0A ...]
  127. String to UTF8 hexadecimal array [30 0A ...]
  128. Strip all HTML tag attributes from selection. eg. <tr width=0 border=0>abc⇒<tr>abc
  129. Strip all HTML tag style attributes from selection. eg. <hr style=\"..\">abc⇒<hr>abc
  130. Strip all HTML tags from selection. eg. <span>abc<\\span>⇒abc
  131. Translate text smileys && acronyms.

    Contains over 5000 terms combined.

    New v5.0 (April release) now expands these acronyms; https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/20580.wiki-glossary-of-technology-acronyms.aspxhttps://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/33653.wiki-glossary-of-microsoft-acronyms.aspx

  132. Trim spaces from beginning
  133. Trim spaces from beginning and end
  134. Trim spaces from end
  135. URL Decode
  136. URL Decode, gets last URL

    yields http://click.email2.theshoppingchannel.com

  137. URL Encode
  138. URL Link Expander w/ overload uses param &&url= (if present)▼
  139. Unescape regular expression
  140. Uncomment code, pick from 50 programming languages ■

    ActionScript, Assembly, Bash, Batch Win (.bat), C, C#, CPP, caml, Cmake, Cobol, CoffeeScript, css, D, Fortran, F#, Haskell, HaXe, Html, GO, ini, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Lisp, Lua, Makefile, MATLAB, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, php, Postscript, Powershell, Python, R, resource file (.rc), Ruby, Smalltalk, Swift, SQL, T-SQL, Tcl, TypeScript, VBA, VisualBasic, VBScript, Verilog, vhdl, xml, yaml

  141. Bing antonym lookup▼ (removed Thu 12-Dec-24 2:00pm EST)
    Escape CSharp Verbatim strings, strings starting with @"..." (replaced with)
  142. Bing synonym lookup▼
  143. Bing dictionary lookup▼
  144. Bing Wikipedia auto-suggested spelling▼ (Thu 12-Dec-24 2:00pm EST)
  145. Get UNC path from local path
  146. Get shortcut (.lnk) target path
  147. Get path's permissions (ACL) for current user
  148. Resize calc based on last clip height and width ■ v5.1
  149. Convert to camelCase v5.1
  150. Camel Case to words v5.1
  151. Escape JSON v5.1
  152. Flip 1st conditional pair  'if (a!=b)' ⇒'  if (b!=a)' v5.1 - using Lex Parser for accuracy
  153. Flip All Conditional Pairs             v5.1
  154. Remove All Unicode Vowels                               Wed 22-Dec-22
  155. Readable Unicode Abbreviation - 1st 3chrs skip                               Wed 22-Dec-22
  156. Pick capitals only - April 22, 2023
  157. Check URL is found at the internet archive (Internet Archive)
  158. Get URL text or else get title of page
  159. Filter lines that start with text
  160. Filter lines that ends with text
  161. Sort lines by line number (any leading integer) ascending
  162. Sort lines by line number (any leading integer) descending
  163. Sort by Date Ascending, parsed from beginning of each line. Debug switch available.
  164. Sort by Date Descending, parsed from beginning of each line. Debug switch available.
  165. Get your Mac Address for your computer
There are some duplicates in this list, there are 157 functions as of Wed 20-Nov-24 2:07am EST.  


Copy 'debugon' and 'debugoff' to turn on/off debugging before using a function to view extra information for that function. Not available for all functions. 

Special Functions

Each of the following functions listed below will transform the text in current clipboard (in no particular order). After a successful transformation, the new clip will appear in clip history. 

  • Some functions require input as indicated by   a solid square character.
  • Some functions reach out over the internet as indicated by ▼downward pointing triangle character. See Privacy Policy to see what information is exposed.